Benefits of Nicotine-free Vaping
This is where vaping has demonstrable advantages. As previously mentioned, nicotine is not native to vaping. A vaper can choose to incorporate nicotine-based flavors, but many eschew the chemical in favor of natural draws and hits.
One of the great motivators for traditional cigarette smokers switching to nicotine-free vaping is that there are functional benefits associated with the move, not just the health impact. A broad consensus of vapers reveals that without the nicotine, the vaping experience is much smoother. This is particularly handy when a vaper wants to use his or her e-device for some much-needed down time. A harsh hitting cigarette just doesn't fit the bill universally.
In order to quantify the functional benefits of nicotine-free vaping, we have to first define the concept of "throat hit." A throat hit is the sensation a smoker or vaper receives in the back of his/her throat, and in the lungs after inhaling smoke or vapor. Many in the "adult consumption" sector agree that it is a central component of the overall experience.
Additionally, the throat hit in traditional cigarette smoking is a sensation that is directly correlated with nicotine concentration. That is, the greater the amount of nicotine present in the cigarette, the higher the magnitude of throat hit.
However, caution should be exercised in not making too many broad assumptions based on the above relationship. For example, people have different tolerances. What is considered a strong throat hit to one person may be nothing consequential for another. Also, some people prefer the smoother sensation of a lighter hit. While Marlboro Reds may get the media attention, there's a reason why retailers sell so many of the Marlboro Lights.
This may appear as a pedantic argument, but it's really not. There's much misinformation proliferated that nicotine-free vaping is for "wimps" or those that can't handle the heat. On the contrary, nicotine-free vaping is a preference. For many, perhaps the majority of "light" vapers, the soothing experience of an e-juice that contains little to no nicotine is far more desirable than a harsh hit that leads to uncontrolled coughing.
Even for those that are "coerced" into nicotine-free options for health concerns, the platform isn't without its merits. Nicotine-less vaping is still vaping -- it's not as dramatic as drinking alcohol-free beer. So the idea that vapers are "giving something up" or that the experience is somehow "neutered" are missing out on an alternative way to enjoy the art of vaping.
Going back to an earlier point, human tolerance can only be taken so far. That is, while people have different stamina as it relates to throat hit, there is such a thing as a maximum threshold. This is the point where no matter who you are or how experienced you may be, the magnitude of the throat hit is simply too much.
There's also something to be said about not ignoring the signals your body is telling you. Yes, you can develop a callousness towards nicotine-based throat hits, but do you really want to? No matter how tough your body is now, it's not immune, and it's certainly not invincible. Further down the road, serious or permanent damage becomes inevitable.
When you consider this fact, there's an incentive for vapers to deliberately switch to nicotine-free vaping. Not only can vapers enjoy substantially longer sessions, their bodies, their future selves will thank them for it.
One of the great motivators for traditional cigarette smokers switching to nicotine-free vaping is that there are functional benefits associated with the move, not just the health impact. A broad consensus of vapers reveals that without the nicotine, the vaping experience is much smoother. This is particularly handy when a vaper wants to use his or her e-device for some much-needed down time. A harsh hitting cigarette just doesn't fit the bill universally.
In order to quantify the functional benefits of nicotine-free vaping, we have to first define the concept of "throat hit." A throat hit is the sensation a smoker or vaper receives in the back of his/her throat, and in the lungs after inhaling smoke or vapor. Many in the "adult consumption" sector agree that it is a central component of the overall experience.
Additionally, the throat hit in traditional cigarette smoking is a sensation that is directly correlated with nicotine concentration. That is, the greater the amount of nicotine present in the cigarette, the higher the magnitude of throat hit.
However, caution should be exercised in not making too many broad assumptions based on the above relationship. For example, people have different tolerances. What is considered a strong throat hit to one person may be nothing consequential for another. Also, some people prefer the smoother sensation of a lighter hit. While Marlboro Reds may get the media attention, there's a reason why retailers sell so many of the Marlboro Lights.
This may appear as a pedantic argument, but it's really not. There's much misinformation proliferated that nicotine-free vaping is for "wimps" or those that can't handle the heat. On the contrary, nicotine-free vaping is a preference. For many, perhaps the majority of "light" vapers, the soothing experience of an e-juice that contains little to no nicotine is far more desirable than a harsh hit that leads to uncontrolled coughing.
Even for those that are "coerced" into nicotine-free options for health concerns, the platform isn't without its merits. Nicotine-less vaping is still vaping -- it's not as dramatic as drinking alcohol-free beer. So the idea that vapers are "giving something up" or that the experience is somehow "neutered" are missing out on an alternative way to enjoy the art of vaping.
Going back to an earlier point, human tolerance can only be taken so far. That is, while people have different stamina as it relates to throat hit, there is such a thing as a maximum threshold. This is the point where no matter who you are or how experienced you may be, the magnitude of the throat hit is simply too much.
There's also something to be said about not ignoring the signals your body is telling you. Yes, you can develop a callousness towards nicotine-based throat hits, but do you really want to? No matter how tough your body is now, it's not immune, and it's certainly not invincible. Further down the road, serious or permanent damage becomes inevitable.
When you consider this fact, there's an incentive for vapers to deliberately switch to nicotine-free vaping. Not only can vapers enjoy substantially longer sessions, their bodies, their future selves will thank them for it.
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