Do Electronic Cigarette Have Tar?

Electronic Cigarette are growing in popularity. However, with widespread popularity comes the question, are Electronic Cigarettes really safe? Does it contain tar, which is one of the most harmful ingredients found in conventional cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes are smoking devices, which operate on battery instead of tobacco smoke. These devices replicate the feel and look of conventional tobacco based cigarettes, and offer a viable alternative to those in the habit of smoking.

Tar is one of the major toxic substances associated with conventional cigarettes. When a smoker inhales tar, generated by the burning of tobacco, various mechanical and biochemical changes take place, which causes damage to lungs, in the long term. Tar contains harmful carcinogens, such as acrylamide, acrylonitrile, and benzene. Inhaling these toxic substances harm the delicate cells of the lungs, lead to mutations in the DNA of the cells, and cause cancer.
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Tar can also paralyse the cilia in the lungs, contributing to other deadly diseases, such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The level of tar increases when the item is burnt, and in this regards, the last puffs on a cigarette are very dangerous, containing about twice the amount of tar, compared to what is contained in the first puff.

However, it is the way one uses tobacco cigarettes that cause the problem. Conventional cigarettes burn tobacco. The burning process produces smoke, and when smoke cools down, it produces tar, along with several other harmful chemicals such as Hydrogen cyanide and formaldehyde. Many such chemicals are carcinogenic.

Electronic Cigarettes do not generate smoke but emit vapour instead. Electronic cigarette store have an entirely different process compared to conventional cigarettes. Electronic Cigarettes use cartridges that contain nicotine, flavourings, and a smothering of some chemicals. A heating device embedded to the device converts the liquid into vapour, which the smoker inhales.

The most common liquids used in Electronic Cigarettes are propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin, both of which are safe for inhalation. Propylene glycol is the same ingredient used in a number of safe and legitimate applications, such as cosmetics, asthma inhalers, and also to sterilise drinking water. The only issue with propylene glycol, the more popular substance, is some people being allergic to it. However, there is no risk whatsoever of the chemical reaction generating harmful tar.

Most Electronic Cigarettes contain nicotine, though. Nicotine, while not exactly healthy, is by no means carcinogenic, and burning nicotine does not produce tar. The research concludes the 40 known carcinogens, found tobacco smoke are absent in the vapour emitted by Electronic Cigarettes, and Electronic Cigarettes carry only about one percent to two percent of the risks associated with smoking conventional cigarettes, which puts Electronic Cigarettes in the same risk category as drinking a cup of coffee.

An expert review published in the Website lists Electronic Cigarettes to be about 95 percent safe compared to conventional smoke tobacco, and that Electronic Cigarettes help smokers quit the habit. The absence of tar makes Electronic Cigarettes safer than conventional tobacco based cigarettes. However, always make sure to buy Electronic Cigarettes of reputed companies, who disclose the ingredients used in the Electronic Cigarettes.


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